I loaded a
cargo of 50,000
tons fueloil
in Kuwait in
August 1987, to Mogadishu,
Somalia. A load that was
paid by the
United Nations in support of
When we docked
in Mogadishu, there were none in
the terminal that could
make it clear to discharge,
so our Chief Officer had to "line
up" for them ie open
lines from the vessel to the
tank that would
receive oil.
As soon as we had started
transfer of the load
burst a pipe, so
the operation was
After a few days it was clear
to continue unloading
and all went smoothly.
One of the local doctors
who came on board
in connection with the clearance
of the vessel was trained by
the Swedish doctor Dr.
Sandstrom who served in
for many years. He arranged
with the parties
at a nightclub (Disco)
called Studio
54, which at the time was
the most popular site.
The furniture consisted
of old car
seats. The lighting
of "flashing lights"
were lampshades
on the ceiling of different
colored plastic buckets
(the handles were still there).
The local beer tasted
just fine. The last night
we were there, we were attacked
by locals with rotten
mangoes, they screamed
"bloody Italians
go home."
The country was
occupied by Italy
for many years. White
men were not popular
but the oil we delivered
was OK.
We refrained
from further exploration of
Mogadishu after the incident.
Cathay Spirit anchored off Omani coast during the war awaiting cargo.